Friday, March 26, 2010

1250 Necrons -- Battle Missions Tourney on Saturday

I was originally going to bring my Orks, but I didn't finish my battlewagon conversion, so Necrons it is. My list is pretty bad, as Necrons can't really make anything good at below 1750. Here it is anyway:

List A

[300] The Deceiver

[180] 10 Necron Warriors
[180] 10 Necron Warriors

Fast Attack
[150] 3 Destroyers
[150] 3 Destroyers
[48] 4 Scarab Swarms

Heavy Support
[235] Monolith

Total: 1243 Points

List B

[300] The Deceiver

[180] 10 Necron Warriors
[180] 10 Necron Warriors

Fast Attack
[250] 5 Destroyers
[250] 5 Destroyers
[84] 7 Scarab Swarms

Total: 1244 Points

I'm not too happy with it, but it'll have to do. I'll be taking pictures.


  1. And here I thought you were joking all this time :P

    I actually like the Deceiver, but I think I'd rather Heavy Ds or more Destroyers over the Mono.

  2. Oof, phase out is gonna kick you square in the nuts.

  3. The thing about Heavy Destroyers is that they are way too easy to kill. The monolith is actually better anti-tank than 3 destroyers, and it can hurt troops as well.

    This tournament actually allows people to take two lists, and pick the one they want to use before each batte. I find this incredibly stupid, so I'm reluctant to do it. But I think maybe I will. I posted another list for what I would take as list B.

    Phase out is simply not a problem for me. Proper tactics and the only army that'll ever phase you out is IG.

  4. Pity you couldn't switch Codex between games as well - that'd show them how stupid that was.

    I'd say Tau have a fair crack at Phasing You also. Hell, Orks could probably do it - with that much S4.

  5. Do you know the game mission before selecting which list to field? If so, make 1 super killy while the other anti-KP. Game tailoring ftw.
